President - Mr. John Sharpe Chairperson - Mrs. Sally Smith Secretary - Mr. Matthew Smith Captain  - Mr. John Chambers Ixworth Bowls Club  Founded 1907  Affiliated to the English Bowling Federation,  Suffolk County Bowls Association,  Bury & District League, Stowmarket League, and the Area ‘D’ Triples League.

Bowls Club

Club Sponsors


Not only was the club moving forward, so too was the game in general, for in 1927 a proposal to form a Bury League was put forward, the club agreeing to join.

This would obviously create more matches to be played and longer distances to travel. Cars were a luxury and few and far between, clearly transport needed to be arranged. In searching out estimates from local coach companies, the committee suggested the following as a basis for negotiation:

Stanton Rose and Crown* 5/-

Stanton Cock* 6/-

Beyton* 12/-

Bury Spread Eagle* 14/-

Westgate Brewery 13/-

Bury Abbey* 13/-

Risbygate 13/-

Rattlesdon* 18/-

Thetford 20/-

Woolpit* 13/-

* These clubs are no longer in existence

By using three different companies they

managed to get transport at a total cost

 of 8/- less than their proposals.

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‘Canadian Connection’

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A Mulley’s (of Ixworth) Coach of the period